Silas Down a Hole

It’s just blackness, darkness, the most pure and pristine darkness there is. If I clinch my eyes tight enough, press the heels of my hands into the sockets hard enough, I can see little wispy bits of light for a second or two, mostly purples and blues. Then the world fades back to black, to … Continue reading

What a Fool Believes

We are born accepting the density of our bodies, certain that we are of the earth. Our skin and hair and sinew and bones are conspirators in convincing us of the fact. We feel firm and solid, as unmoving as mountains and as unforgiving as stone, never minding the quakes and erosion. We are sculpted … Continue reading

confessions of a human torch

i put pen to paper and set fire to the past, hoping something new will rise from the ashes but it is rarely so. i burn the present moment at both ends in awe of the flame but ignorant of its dissolution. Each future, every bridge, every effigy is eyed with pyromaniacal lust and a lighter … Continue reading

you were right all along frost, but we never listened

We always take the long road home, over rock and rubble uncleared by the trail blazers that went unseen before us and never pausing to set them aside ourselves. Instead our minds are bent towards daydream shortcuts, lost maps, and paths not taken and our feet a keep stumbling pace over unsure ground, not lost, … Continue reading

dust burns sweetly on the radiator reminding me that elsewhere there may still be an autumn

the sound of rain and melting snow through the corrugated gutters is familiar and comforting, a native rhythm played in a foreign land to put me at ease. the snow has come and gone as it pleased all day and for the moment it is mostly gone. i guess this is fall, that dripping high … Continue reading

scene from a remote trail just outside of town

I can see the hairpin turn along the ridge line roaring up towards me and I actually think I’m going to make it but the rear wheel catches something. That spooks me and i lock the brakes. The bicycle seizes and swerves madly, tossing me like a bronco. I awaken to the smell of pot, … Continue reading

fall breaks then…

the rock chucks are all gone the blue tail lizards too a doe eats from a tree in a west side neighborhood